Bachelor of Laws (LL.B, 4 years)

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B, 4 years)


4 years, 8 semesters

Qualification Awarded

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B)

Level of Qualification

Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle)

Language of Instruction

Greek and English

Mode of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Minimum ECTS Credits


Program’s purpose/objectives:

The variety of legal issues that can arise and the immediate need to resolve them have made Legal Science a necessity that is increasingly occupying a dominant position in our daily lives. The complexity of human relationships, no matter what form they take in today’s world, require that legal issues be treated effectively and quickly and that, at the same time, they satisfy the sense of justice in society.

That is why the Department of Law at Philips University aims to create a legal centre of excellence so that graduates acquire the necessary knowledge to practice their profession and likewise develop a high sense of moral responsibility towards individuals and society in general.

The purpose of the study program is to provide support to students so that they acquire the knowledge they need regarding the operation of the legal systems of Cyprus and Greece and consequently the Anglo-Saxon system as well as the legal system in place in most European countries.

Therefore, the program aims to provide high-quality studies to students who aspire to serve justice. In particular, among the objectives of the program are the following provisions:

• A human approach to legal science, as much as is possible, in order to develop analytical, critical and intellectual skills for a full understanding, comprehension and evaluation of any legal problems presented;
• The foundations so that students become modern legal scientists, familiar with the legal challenges of society and familiar also with the functioning of the institutions of the European Union and related legislation as well as their impact on domestic law;
• the necessary familiarization, perception, operation and practical application of either the Cypriot or the Greek legal system;
• The acquisition of deep knowledge in relation to the interpretation, and the application, of the rules of law but also the multilevel importance and influence of these rules on people’s lives.

In general, the program provides students with the necessary knowledge about the philosophy and history of law, systemic knowledge of private and public law, criminal science and international public and private law.


Graduation from a six-year public or private school of secondary education formally registered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth of the Republic of Cyprus or the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs of the Republic of Greece. In addition, evidence that the applicant is competent in written and spoken Greek for courses taught in the Greek language or English through IELTS (Bands 5.5 – 6) or equivalent qualification, for courses taught in the English language*, plus successful completion of a personal interview with our Admissions Officer and a member of the academic staff from the relevant department, either in person, by phone or Microsoft Teams;


General Certificate of Education with a pass mark in five courses, including two courses at Advanced Level and Ordinary passes in English Language or an equivalent qualification;


General Certificate of Education with a pass mark in four courses, including three courses at Advanced Level and Ordinary Level passes in English Language or an equivalent qualification;


Successful completion of a university Foundation program or an equivalent qualification;


Successful completion of 12 years of schooling and in addition, evidence that the applicant is competent in written and spoken English* through IELTS (Bands 5.5 – 6) or equivalent qualification, plus successful completion of a personal interview with our Admissions Officer and a member of the academic staff from the relevant department, either in person, by phone or Microsoft Teams.

*Placement Tests

All students are required to take standardized placement tests in English and Mathematics. These tests are administered by the University during the orientation week and aim to assess each student’s potential. These tests measure quantitative and verbal aptitudes. All test scores are then screened by a panel. Appropriate programs are then drawn up to assist students in light of the observations made by the panel. Holders of the General Certificate of Education in English and Mathematics or an equivalent qualification are exempted from the placement tests.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students are expected to have:
• developed a critical assessment of the values of the law and the relationship between legislation and its wider impact, and to have understood, and have insight on, specific and selected legal issues;
• become more sensitive to both legal techniques and the complexities of legislation;
• deepened their understanding as regards the interaction between the various areas of law and understood the substance of the judicial analytical procedure;
• become prepared to use their analytical and research abilities and problem-solving skills;
• developed legal critical ability and consolidated the functions of law as well as personal and interpersonal skills; and
• become familiar, at a practical level, with the institutions and methods of legal science.

Graduation Requirements

Students studying towards the Bachelor degree in Law (LL.B) are required to take a minimum of 240 ECTS. Eighty-five (85) of the required 240 minimum ECTS come from General Electives and the remaining 155 ECTS come from the student’s chosen field of study.

Honours Degree

Upon graduation, each candidate for an Honours Degree must have:

  • completed all the prescribed work of the examination syllabus;
  • achieved the required minimum number of ECTS of prescribed course work by completing successfully all core and elective subjects as required by the program of studies. As a general rule, all students must have
  • successfully completed a minimum of 240 ECTS; and
  • secured a GPA of at least 2.00 on courses taken successfully during semesters 5 to 8.

Course Curriculum

Year 1

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Year 2

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Year 3

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Year 4

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Elective Courses - One from the table at the end of the page

Elective Courses

Department Contact Info

Τμήμα Νομικής

4-6 Lamias Street, 2001 Nicosia – Cyprus
P.O.Box 28008, 2090 Strovolos,
Nicosia – Cyprus

+357 2244 1860

Mon – Fri 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Social Info