
What is the Erasmus+ Programme?

The Erasmus program is a European student exchange program that was first proposed by the European Commission in 1986 and formally adopted in June 1987. In 2007, Erasmus became of a part of the EU’s Lifelong Learning Program (LLP) 2007 – 2013.

The program was initially named after the Dutch Philosopher Desiderious Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466/1469-1536), but later on became an acronym for European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS).

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s (EU) program to support education and training in Europe. The main aim of the Erasmus+ program is to create a European Higher Education Area and foster educational innovation throughout Europe through a series of specific objectives. These objectives were created “to encourage and support academic mobility of higher education students and teachers within the European Union”. In doing so, the Erasmus+ program supports, promotes, and reinforces the role and contribution of higher education and advanced vocational education for the development and transfer of educational innovations from one participating country to another.

The participation of Philips University in the Erasmus+ program is fundamental to the University’s attainment of institutional aspirations towards its mission in promoting the values of an open modern society and commitment to international excellence.

Who are involved?

The participants of the Erasmus+ program include higher education students, academic staff, professional associations, public and private organizations/ businesses (profit and non-profit), research centres, and bodies that provide guidance, counselling, and information services.

Who are benefited?

All institutions and/or individuals involved in the Erasmus+ program are benefited. The effect may be observed in various domains such as academic, technological, and research environments that may involve theoretical knowledge, professional skills, practical training, innovative ICT practices, and languages skills.

Morever, Erasmus+ has gone beyond the educational boundaries and has become “a social and cultural phenomenon” that offers new opportunities to meet new cultures and lifestyles.

What are the rights and obligations of the Erasmus students?

As stated in the leaflet titled Erasmus Student Charter, students selected for an Erasmus mobility (studies or placement) have both rights and obligations towards their home and host institutions as well as towards their National Agency for Erasmus Program.

Erasmus at Philips University

Erasmus Office and Officers
Philips University has appointed a six-person committee which is responsible for the organisation and implementation of Erasmus+ activities.

Contact details:
Address: 4-6 Lamias Street, Strovolos, Nicosia, 2001
Email: [email protected]
Contact number: 22441860

Philips University Erasmus+ Policy Statement

Philips University is an inclusive multicultural university built upon the European agenda for the Modernisation and Internalisation for Higher Educational institutions. The participation in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is fundamental to the university’s attainment of institutional aspirations towards its mission in promoting the values of an open modern society and commitment to international excellence.

In a world that according to Heraclitus “all things are in flux”, people must learn to adjust quickly to the new realities brought about by the globalisation of labour and market places. Flexibility, mobility, adjustability and technological savvy are only a few of the new necessary skills students are called to master in order to survive at the workplace. Through its involvement in the Erasmus program Philips University aims to attain five main goals. The first objective refers to exposing both academic staff and students to new learning styles, teaching methods, research skills and new areas of research. Through this, both staff and students are expected to gain new experiences which will ultimately feed into the development of a strong sense of Europe’s cultural heritage and its diversity. The second objective is to create a more interesting and stimulating teaching environment for both its students and students from other institutions. Through their interaction with a diversity of students, students are expected to build an appreciation towards socio-cultural differences which do not separate us but rather brings us closer. The third main objective of Philips University through its involvement in the Erasmus program is to enable students to develop a global mind-set though the promotion of an in-depth understanding of the global economy and its competitive nature. This is essential, since this knowledge constitutes an important attribute for future success in any modern work environment. The fourth main objective of Philips University’s participation to the Erasmus program is to introduce students to the ideas of cross-cultural interaction, multicultural awareness and cultural diversity. Fifth, students’ engagement with a diversity of students and environments aims in encouraging the development of critical thought and analytical skills among students as they are called to understand and explain crucial problems of their time in the European social, political and economic context.

Within our globalised world, the internationalisation of the Philips University is one of the most significant factors which contributes to providing students with a high standard education and necessary skills to meet the demands of today’s market. The university’s participation to the Erasmus program is a main way of supporting students’ mobility both by allowing students of our institution to gain cross-cultural and diverse experiences by studying abroad for a period of time, but also by committing to offer a range of educational opportunities to students from visiting institutions and making sure that they gain qualifications that are recognised across the EU. As a university we will actively reinforce the significance of mobility for both current and new students through departmental presentations and our social media. In addition, we will encourage academic and administrative staff to promote international mobility through enhancing and developing inclusive policies and infrastructure changes in regard to all aspects of mobility (including both socio-cultural backgrounds and disabilities).

While the academic body of Philips University is comprised by staff with international experience which aids in the institutions ability to provide high quality teaching, the university’s participation in the Erasmus program can help in enhancing the academic culture in terms of diversity, knowledge and experiences. The university’s participation to the Erasmus program, will also invigorate the development of academic-led initiatives and collaborative projects which will contribute to international excellence and the vision of an international university. Nonetheless, we recognise that our engagement in international mobility processes and activities raises the need for regular and consistent monitoring and evaluation. Due to this we commit in engaging in constant self-assessment which will aid in the enhancement of our future strategy.

Philips University recognises the constant need for modernisation and has therefore appointed a Committee which is responsible for academic matters and makes sure that every department of the University works towards the attainment of the objectives of the European Union’s (EU) Modernisation Agenda for Higher Education.

The first objective of the EU Modernisation Agenda refers to increasing attainment levels to provide the graduates and researchers Europe needs. Being a multicultural university, Philips University is built upon the values of inclusivity and equity. Due to this as a University we commit that all actions, activities and policies taken by us, will unfold in respect to the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion. We ensure that we adopt policies which promote an inclusive admission in which students of all ethnic and socio-cultural backgrounds are welcome, which reduces barriers to students’ entry and progression. In addition, we commit not only in providing our students with knowledge, technical and technological skills necessary for their successful career path, but also provide them life-skills by ensuring that they understand and respect cross-cultural differences and enhance their respect towards Europe’s cultural heritage and its diversity. The second objective of the EU modernisation agenda refers to improving the quality and relevance of higher education. While the current covid-19 crisis has been a challenging situation for all of us, we proved to be a university comprised by academic staff ready to adapt to the current conditions since we managed to make efficient use of new technologies for distance learning, ensuring that we provide our students a sense of stability during a period of uncertainty by making sure that they continue receiving both quality education and support. Regardless of this, we as a university are committed in making sure that our body of staff is keeping up to date by prompting their participation to international trainings, seminars and conferences and prompt their participation in international collaborations which will contribute to the development of quality research. The third objective, refers to strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border collaboration. The attainment of this mobility goal will mainly be attained through our participation in the Erasmus program in which both student and staff mobility is encouraged. The fourth objective refers to making the knowledge triangle work. This objective is mainly attained through ensuring that the courses provided at our University are developed in accordance with market’s needs. This is also ensured through arranging seminar talks and visiting lectures by experts of a variety of fields. In addition, through the teaching of our courses we ensure that students are familiar with real-life expectations of their field by ensuring that we provide both simulations of real-life cases in a variety of lectures and offering students the opportunity to gain real-life experience through gaining practical experience of the field. The fifth objective of the EU modernisation agenda refers to improving governance and funding. This objective is ensured by the constant re-investment of the profits of the University in a variety of activities and procedures which reinforce the mission and vision of the university of attaining and offering inclusive international excellence in a transparent and inclusive environment.

Foremost, Philips University’s vision of providing access to quality education, and empower and transform students in the diverse communities we serve, interlinks with the European Commission’s goal in building a European education area. Through the involvement of the students in an inclusive, interactive and learner-focused environment, students are provided with key skills for lifelong learning and necessary digital skills. In this environment, knowledge is not simply disseminated and absorbed by students. Instead, students are provided with skills that make them independent lifelong learners who share common values towards equality, inclusivity and appreciation and respect towards cross-cultural differences. Through its participation in the Lifelong Learning program, the Philips University aims to establish an educational network with European and other international academic institutions that would create, promote, share, support, and encourage scientific (and professional) knowledge, research skills, and practical experiences. The ultimate aim of this network would be the improvement of quality in higher education around the world by raising the academic standards in terms of educational theory, teaching practices, learning styles, research skills and critical thought.