
Philips University Library plays an active and progressive role in the educational endeavour of the University and strengthens the foundations of the academic programs offered. 

In order to achieve this objective, sustained attention is given to the continuing development and growth of the three principal elements of the Philips Library: the library collection, staff, and physical facilities.  The collection supports the curriculum offerings of the University and provides enough coverage of the research and study needs of the students and faculty and in order to stimulate the free pursuit of their individual interests.

The Library policies are set by a sub-committee of the academic committee.

The Library as a living entity is responsive to the needs of students and staff and is attuned to new developments in the publishing industry.

The building housing the Library provides a space of 155m2 and varied facilities to create the proper learning environment. In 2018, a special study area was created with twenty carrels to enhance the existing facilities for students who need to work in the library.

Philips University Library contains a significant number of volumes of books and periodicals (approximately 35,000). In addition, the library receives a large number of periodicals, serial titles and software programs. Through agreements with renowned publishers, the university ensures that contemporary electronic books are available.

To encourage and assist the research efforts of faculty and students, the university continuously establishes links to data banks of international calibre (ProQuest, Emerald).

A traditional reference service is available during library hours. This service is enriched by a computer-assisted reference service which provides access to the library databases of other institutions of higher learning and research.

Library staff are highly educated (holders of BA, MLIS degrees), highly trained and committed to their professional development. The library team comprises staff who are qualified in a diverse range of subject areas and possess a variety of key skills. Staff are not only qualified to deliver a high level of customer service to the user seeking information, but are also able to participate in the wider educational community of the learners and researchers of the University.

The Library is linked to international electronic data banks that enable users to select from a comprehensive range of content and research material.

The University Library has a close association with the Library of the Kapodistrian National University of Athens, which is open to all members of the University and is particularly valuable to students from Greece who currently study at Philips University.

Philips Library is a member of the Cyprus Academic Libraries Association (CAIC), and the Consortium of Cyprus Academic Libraries (CCAL).

Operating hours:

The Library is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. throughout the entire year.

The Library is closed during University holidays.